Posts Tagged ‘Nike running shoes’

The shoes go back and I feel free

Distance: 7.52km Time: 0:53 Pace: 7’09” kCal: 778 Heart: 144/160 RPE: 6 Type: (454-13) 4 miler

Yesterday was great, but the shoes go back

Yes, that’s me in the green… Now!
And yes, this is a continuation of Darn Nike and Squeaky shoes.

But more importantly, I have to confess that last week was a challenge for me. Everything was going great until I got sick on August 22. It took me over three weeks to recover and last week when I went out for my runs, it was like I was at mile marker 0. My runs were tough and one day out for a 10k, I was running so slow that it seemed like I was walking.

But I know now that it was mostly psychological. My RPE was high, my motivation low, and heart rate right where is should be.

So after some great twitter pep talks from a fellow enthusiast and inspirational quotes like getting off our butts, I got out in the rain and did 7k (before the Nano died).

I ditched my new squeaky New Balance running shoes, put on my spare Nike shoes and listened to my tunes (I’ve been running without tunes for months).

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