Posts Tagged ‘Easter’

Week 1 – Week One Complete

Week One is Complete!
And for my reward, I ate a great Sunday Brunch overlooking the ocean, followed by two stress-free rest days!

I know it was only supposed to be 1 rest day, but I ended up getting a toothache. Have you ever tried running with a toothache? Not good. But it’s not a cavity (I hope) – just pressure from a root canal I had done last year. Nonetheless, the throbbing pain every time you hit the pavement is not very pleasant.

It’s the same with in-ear head phones for me. When I get my heart rate up, the throbbing in my ears pushing into the earplugs… yetch – not for me. I have a nice pair of Sennheiser PMX80s – GREAT for big eared people, but I run mostly without music.

Okay, enough of the personal life – How was my first week? I must say it went pretty well!
The first 3 mile run was nice. The next day’s 4 mile run was a bit of a challenge at the beginning, but worked out okay. And then the next 3 mile run on Thursday ended up being a little fun because I tried following the route that ‘Marathon Man‘ takes. Oh-La-La! Very steep hills and I got lost on the side streets. Silly me, but I love adventure and even with all the huffing and puffy, I managed to pull it off.

Then came the long run on the weekend.
Because I did well during the week, I thought I had the Saturday run in the bag. Well it didn’t go as well as I’d hoped and it was a wake up call. But now that I can look back on my first complete week, I think it’s going to be a lot of fun… And I’m starting to really enjoy going out for my morning runs. This coming week is a 10k race, so that should be a lot fo fun, too.

Let’s see how I do next week!


My 5 Miler and The Jelly Bean Race

Distance: 9.96km Time: 1:10 Pace: 7’21 kCal: 969 Heart: 143/162 RPE: 6 Type: 5 Miles

Yesterday was Saturday
and I did the first long run in my Marathon Training.

It was also Easter Saturday, which makes today Easter – a rainy quiet Easter Sunday morning where I am sitting on my balcony listening to the pitter-patter of rain drops and the sounds of doves and birds in the background, while everyone else is still sleeping before the rush of church goings and Easter egg hunts.



That’s one good thing about getting up in the morning to do my runs – even on my rest days I’m up early enough to enjoy the peace, quiet, and spiritual solitude that life and nature can offer.

So here I am, with my coffee, and thinking about the big Easter brunch that will be coming later in the day… and I don’t feel guilty!

Why? – Because yesterday I did the first long run in my marathon training.
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