Blaine's Running Journal, Blaine's Weekly Review

Week 4 PT – The Hardest Week was the Best!

Week 4 of pre-training is over and it actually went pretty good. I thought it would be a little tough since there were 2 sets of 20 min runs, but it actually worked out good. I must confess, that it ended up being an eight-day week due to weather and my knee causing some problems. But I’m looking to run healthy and don’t mind extending the week as long as I keep enjoying it and going out on a regular bases.

Running down by the beach does help a lot and then my wife decided to join me as well. The second day out she joined me again, but decided to run a little faster at her own pace. How much faster? Well… being half my weight and in much much better shape than me, she blew right past me!

Yeah – definitely. Last week was a success.
I think the most exciting thing about this last week was that my average heart rate went from 154 to around 148. That totally blew me away. Mind you, my RPE didn’t seem to improve.

Hmmm, that’s something I’ll have to look at in more detail. The other good news is that I definitely saw a drop in weight and waist size. I know I can loose weight much more drastically, but again, I’m not looking to lose weight or even to lose inches around my waistline. I know those things will come when my body is ready to say “Hey, time for the next shift”. I’m looking to increase my mileage and get ready for training without injury.

So after going through last weeks pre-training, the answer is Yeah – definitely. Last week was a success.

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