Blaine's Running Journal

Darn That Nike Chip Holder!

Distance: 13.05km Time: 1:39 Pace: 7’36” kCal: 1,332 Heart: 138/154 RPE: 6 Type: 10k Calibration

Darn that Nike!

After doing 12-14km, my Nano said I did 0k and 0kCal, again. At least I was wearing the GPS to calibrate the Nano.

But, so much for calibrating with the new shoes!
I thought it was the new sensor or the little sack that I have the chip in, but after some experimentation, I realizes that the chip was upside down after I put it on the shoe. Drats!


At least I got my run in and my wife was with me to prove it.
Hmmm… may be I should upload her data to my account before she does – heh-heh

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